Monday, March 5, 2012

You Know You're an Exchange Student When...

1. You pause while skyping in English to ask if "combineded" is a word.

2. You've gotten used to acting like you recognize the people you bump into around town who come up to you smiling and ask how your exchange is going.

3.  Your closest friends often serve as your translators since they have become skilled professionals at understanding your broken grammar.

4.  People post on your facebook wall for your birthday, "Hope your having fun wherever you are", "Hope you're having fun away from home", or "Hope you're having fun in a foreign land."

5. The fact that you haven't gained weight after seven months becomes a bragging right.

6. There is a group of middle school boys that raise up the chant "USA! USA! USA!" every time they see you.

7. The majority of your facebook chats with family and friends end with:
Home: "We love and miss you!"
You: "I love you too!"

8. You can fail half of your classes and still be loved by your teachers

9. Your host family and friends have 15 different ways of pronouncing your name--and none of them are right.

10. You sit in front of the TV for twenty minutes watching a job documentary simply because it takes place in your home state.


  1. I love love love number 9. :D

    The weirdest thing I've been called is "Julie." I wonder if that person knew you or something!

  2. This is great! I love reading your blogs! So happy you are having a wonderful experience!
