Friday, December 9, 2011

Sharing the Season

"It's here! It's here!" Anyone who saw my post filled with sentences in all caps and an abundance of exclamation points, would have quickly recognized my child-like excitement when I received my Christmas package from home. I wasn't expecting it for at least another two weeks so when Mama walked into my room with a big box thoroughly sealed with tape, I was taken my surprise and just like a little kid on Christmas morning, began my squealing and chattering.

I received the box only a few minutes before i had to leave for handball, so I decided to wait until I got home to open it so that i didn't have to rush through everything. Naturally, handball practice felt like it would never end but when I finally did get home, I got on skype with my family who watched me open there box of Christmas gifts and American culture :)

Weeks ago, as she was shopping, my mom had asked me for good gift ideas. I replied with several things--one of which was American napkins. Cute napkins are popular in Germany and I told her that if she could find ones with American flags that would be really cool because you can't get them  here. Well, hearing the story in context, I'm sure you understood that when I said "you can't get them here" I was referring to napkins with American flags. However, a few sentences on gmail chat didn't do such of good job of putting my statement into context. I had no idea my mom thought I meant that you can't get napkins in Germany until I opened the box and found over a hundred napkins in a variety of patterns and colors :-) At least napkins are popular here!

Exchange students have the most unique wish lists--and this was the BEST Christmas box EVER! ;-D

I'm also excited to start putting together the stockings that arrived in the box! On Christmas day, I'll be sharing a bit of my family's traditional morning by filling up the big red stockings and before breakfast, watching everyone open them in their pajamas. :-) I won't be forcing by family to come running into the living room at 5:00am sharp though...:-D

Now, trying to get a bit of German Christmas back to the States has been an entirely different and somewhat frustrating adventure! Back in October, I mailed box number one, expecting it to take 3-4 weeks. Nearly 7 weeks later, that box is MIA somewhere between Gomaringen and Coquille. Box number 2 was mailed nearly two weeks ago and who knows how long it will take. Yesterday, Mama and I went to the post office to mail box number three (why we ended up with so many boxes is another story ). She inquired as to why, after seven weeks, my box had not arrived. No one had any idea and reluctantly, we sent box number three on it's way. I'm beginning to think some grinch of a postal worker somewhere is snickering evilly as he fills his face with kilos worth of Germany's mouth-watering chocolate!

Now that all boxes have been mailed, I need to get to work on getting out a few Christmas cards!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to see your beautiful smile, as you received your package from home. I see the joy in your heart too. We love you, and Merry Christmas darling.
    Papa and Grammy
