I remember so clearly both saying and hearing those words during conversations with my family on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons as we brainstormed how to spend the day...well, some things don't vary much between cultures and sitting around the dining room table after church those were just the words I heard. What were my host siblings referring to? That's where the story gets good. No, not a bike ride, hiking trail, or game, what my host parents wanted to do was visit a special landmark about a 30 minute drive from us. After a fair amount of whining, a deal was finally made and, reluctantly, the kids agreed to spend the afternoon at a castle.
Of all the many Sunday afternoon outings with my family, our afternoon at the castle stands head and shoulders above the rest. It was a beautiful day and a very beautiful castle with an amazing family <3
A CASTLE! I laughed out loud just thinking about how many Americans would give anything to spend Sunday afternoon touring a castle--kids and adults alike. It did, however, make me realize how easy it is to take for granted the beauty found so close to home. More than one of those "but that's boring" conversations at home had something to do with the beautiful pacific ocean--something everyone of my host siblings agreed was certainly more exciting than a castle :)
I fit in the doghouse! |
Well, we pulled up to the castle and I was all giddy like some little kid...but most have gotten used to my child like excitement by now. Unlike Neuschwanstein Castle, Lichtenstein Castle doesn't attract millions each year and therefore isn't quite as "roped off". Of course, it is still an amazing and breathtaking tourist attraction, but the smaller number of visitors allows the grounds to remain a bit more natural looking and I was blown away.
We toured the inside of the castle and it was just like the movies! Trap door escapes, a ballroom, and an impressive display of suits of armor that made my host brothers grin from ear to ear. We came to one room and instantly noticed the giant bullet hole in a mirror. Our guide quickly explained that during WWII, the French had invaded the castle searching for German troops but instead, found only a full wine cellar. One of the soldiers walked into the room a bit later and believed his reflection in the mirror to be a German soldier and so he shot "him". Whether or not that is simply legend or actually fact I suppose we'll never know but it makes for a good story.