Ah, finally a few seconds to collect my thoughts and share them with you while they are still fresh in my mind. Since I arrived in Germany I feel I have been going nonstop--and loving every minute of it! But now i am faced with the challenge of sharing with you all of my experience without taking up fifteen pages (like I have done in my journal;-) However, I think I may have found the creative solution. So, I hope you enjoy reading this post and all the random first experiences that have made my first week in Germany so wonderful and exciting.
FIRST German cake: My host mom was kind enough to spend the extra penny and purchase this cake that is usually saved for special occasions and holidays in their home. She taught me to slice it across the top to show of its small chocolate rings (hard to see in picture) and was very happy that I wanted my picture with the cake. :-)

FIRST motorcycle ride. Okay, so "motorcycle may be a bit of a stretch but it'll suffice for now. Due to a bit of a time crunch, my host mom took me on a condensed tour of Bottrop from the seat of the motorcycle and in only a matter of minutes I was able to see churches, parks, businesses, and the most impressive homes in the city. But before you start worrying, I wasn't the one behind the "wheel" :-)
FIRST train ride!! Every German I've ever met has commented on America's lack of public transportation and finally, I see why. After landing in Frankfurt airport, we all took a train to the city of our language camp--for me Dusseldorf. Because the ride was chaperoned, none of us had reason to worry and could sit back and enjoy the ride but today....that was a different story.
After completing day one of language camp in Dusseldorf, I had to walk about two blocks to the nearest bus/subway station. Since every bus had the same route, catching the bus wasn't that complicated, but five stops later, when I stepped off at Dusseldorf's main train station there was definitely more than one route. I wish I could say I did it all on my own...but maybe tomorrow. In reality, my friend and her host sister were boarding a train right next to mine and I just tagged along with them.
Once my train boarded, I set the alarm on my iPod so I wouldn't sleep through my stop (what a story that would make) and sat down to relax. A little over an hour later, I arrived at my destination which I can't spell or pronounce, and now I'm home :-)
Tomorrow, I advance to level two as on my way to language camp I will have to change trains--with no host sister to follow around. I'm actually not that nervous though--I mean really, what could happen? :-)
FIRST Sari: Oh yes, very German, I know :-) Well, the story behind the Sari is that my host father was born and raised in Sri Lanka and so their home has many parts of that culture mixed with the German culture. While I was there my host mom wanted me to try on one of her Sri Lankan Saris. I was very excited to experience more than one culture while I was in their home. I was also treated to several delicious Sri Lankan foods including a rare and precious coffee.
FIRST church: Sunday morning, my host mother took me to the church she often attends.(below) I was expecting different and its a good thing at the church was extremely different from my church at home.
First off, the entire service was in German and my beginner skills weren't enough to understand much more than the general topic. The service itself was far more traditional that what I'm used to but it was a great experience and the building was absolutely gorgeous!
After the service ended, my host mom took me to see the catholic church. (above)

I hope you enjoyed seeing a little of what I've been up to lately! I know many of you have been begging for more pictures and I'll try to get some up later but it's getting late here and I have language camp in the morning so I'm going to call it a day. Stay posted for more picutres soon :-)