I knew it was coming. I had time to prepare. But when the day came to zip my suitcases for the final time, I was still sitting on them trying to keep the zippers from popping off!
Packing, uggh! I even managed to go against my reputation of procrastinating and start early. But time didn't help me decide if I wanted the blue striped sweater or the pink one....and how many sweatshirts should I bring? My room resembled a tornado zone as clothes were strewn about on my bed, desk, dresser, and every other surface I could place them.
In the last few years, baggage requirements for flying have become just about ridicules. On an international flight, I am only allowed one free checked bag that can't weigh more than 50 lbs. I was up for the challenge and my giant pink suitcase weighed in at 49lbs even. My over sized carry on lugged around everything I owned the was heavy--from yearbooks to books and even some more books :-) As I said, it was over sized and eventually the airline workers did notice and checked my bag for me.....at the gate for free :-)
Well, the great adventure of packing my clothes into luggage and packing my luggage across the U.S.A is now at an end but stay tuned for an international sequel :-)