Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Dreadful Task

I knew it was coming. I had time to prepare. But when the day came to zip my suitcases for the final time, I was still sitting on them trying to keep the zippers from popping off!

Packing, uggh! I even managed to go against my reputation of procrastinating and start early. But time didn't help me decide if I wanted the blue striped sweater or the pink one....and how many sweatshirts should I bring? My room resembled a tornado zone as clothes were strewn about on my bed, desk, dresser, and every other surface I could place them. 

In the last few years, baggage requirements for flying have become just about ridicules. On an international flight, I am only allowed one free checked bag that can't weigh more than 50 lbs. I was up for the challenge and my giant pink suitcase weighed in at 49lbs even. My over sized carry on lugged around everything I owned the was heavy--from yearbooks to books and even some more books :-) As I said, it was over sized and eventually the airline workers did notice and checked my bag for the gate for free :-)

Well, the great adventure of packing my clothes into luggage and packing my luggage across the U.S.A is now at an end but stay tuned for an international sequel :-)

Friday, July 29, 2011


I'd like to start by thanking everyone who showed up on Sunday for a great evening of fun, games, and way to much food. It was great to see you all one last time before I set off for my great adventure!

A brief summary of the evening would include a debate arguing which color I have too much of in my closet, several delicious pots of coffee, too many bittersweet goodbyes, a very energetic and extremely cute Eli Nicholson, and an entire table overflowing with bean dips, jello, cookies, chips, veggies, and much more!  


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Meet the Fam!

"Julianne! Do you know your family in Germany yet?" "Have you talked to them?" "Do they have kids?" "Do they speak English?"

If you are one of the many..and I do mean many....people wondering about the people that I will be living with for the next 11 months, then please, take the time to read this as I introduce you to a family I have already come to love--the Weihing family!

Well, as you can see, they most certainly have kids...several more than I'm used to in fact :-) Selina (11) is the oldest and only a few months older than my sister, Elisa. Christian (9) is an athlete and wasn't excited or interested in hosting "a girl" until he was told I love he is eager to ride bikes and play soccer with me so I'm welcome after all. :-) Jonathon (7) also loves riding his bike I have a feeling that between the two of them they'll keep me plenty active. Then there is little Samuel (4), who is just so darn cute with his little glasses and huge smile than I'm convinced nothing else matters!

My host dad, Ulrich, is an engineer in a nearby town and plays the trombone. My host mother, Denise, is who I have been in contact with for the last few months. My broken German...and really there isn't a whole lot there to break...and her broken English, with the help of google translate have put many smiles on our faces as we've gotten to know each other. My family attends a Lutheran church and Ulrich is involved in the youth activities.

My family lives in the state of Baden Wurttemberg in the small town of Gomaringen. On the left, you can see exactly where Gomaringen is, as well as the outline of the state.The map on the right shows the city of Stuttgart which is about 30 minutes away and home to over half a million people. 
I hope you have enjoyed meeting my family--I know I am eagerly awaiting the day when I will get to meet them face to face and as Mama put it, "finally hold you in my arms."

Monday, July 25, 2011

From an Application in January to a Plane ride in July--Just a Few FAQs

Many of you may be wondering how exactly I got to this point--leaving for 11 months? and why Germany? Well, for the last few months, I've been answering these as well as dozens of other questions that help give people a clearer picture of what exactly it is I've gotten myself into this time. But rather than answer the same questions 312 times, I thought I'd just explain--briefly, but enough to answer the FAQs.

I'll start at the beginning (a very good place to start). After taking advantage of a two month extended application deadline, I rushed around panicked that second week in July,  making sure my reference letters were in order and filling out those last few essay questions. But even with my severe case of procrastination, I submitted my CBYX scholarship application to study as an exchange student in Germany on time...barely.

Glad to have the application over with, I faced my next oppressor--waiting. ugh. Somewhere around a month went by before I was notified that I had been selected as a CBYX finalist. I was thrilled! My mom and I made the trip up to Corvallis for a much longer than expected interview and then----waited. Oh yes, I can't honestly say how long but it felt like months and I checked my e-mail inbox religiously!

Then, OH SWEET HAPPY DAY! I got the e-mail :-) But you must hear the story in its entirety:
I was in Gold Beach for the weekend with my grandma, mom, and two friends. One girl in Washington was notified that she was awarded the scholarship and I was on pins and needles. We were all at lunch at a Pizza place in Brookings--you know, the fun one with the triangle slices? Anyway, out of habit (and a sprinkle of hope) I pulled out my phone to check my email. When I saw the email in my inbox I let out a gasp, catching the attention of the table...but my phone has the speed of a snail and so for the longest 15 seconds of my life we waited as it was "sending...sending...sending" and then "receiving...receiving...receiving" but as the page finally opened, tears filled my eyes and I announced to all that I was going to Germany!
A close friend of mine...who happened to be German...was also thrilled with the news and rather than watching to see what town I would be placed in, she took it upon herself to find my the most amazing, caring, sweet, family I could've ever hoped for. Denise and Ulrich along with their four kids; Selina (11) Christian (9) Jonathon (7) and Samuel (4). <3 To make many long google translated e-mails short, I'm already in love with them. I'll be attending school in a town near theirs and function as a member of their family...which I will write more about later--so stay tuned :-)

I hope this has given you more of an idea of how I got to this point and I will continue to post more information but...well....I love writing, so if I'm not careful, my posts will turn into chapters and my blog with become a novel. and I really do want people to read it so I'll try and avoid that for now, but promise to write more soon!

Julianne :-)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Let the Journey Begin!

So, you may be wondering what it is that makes me crazy enough to spend 11 months of my high school life, my senior year no less, thousands of miles away with a family I've never met, in a country I've never visited. Well, let me explain :-)

When I was 11, I was bit by an infectious bug known only as "the travel bug". I spent 3 weeks in the Central American country of Belize and from that summer on, my love of traveling and passion for understanding and experiences foreign cultures only grew. In 08, my eyes were opened to the devastating poverty that rules the lives of so many when I spent a month working with orphans in South Africa. Knowing that I had the ability to capitalize on opportunities so many would never even have, inspired me to not waste my four years of high school, but to make them as memorable and rewarding as possible.

In 2009, I decided to do something "different"; something life changing that not many people my age were doing. So I went to the Middle East for a semester....I think that definitely counts as different but no, don't worry, my parents and I hadn't lost all sanity. My time in Oman opened my eyes to the beauty of the Arab culture and taught me the value in understanding a culture for more than just what the media says about it.

So now, a year and a half after returning from Oman, I'm sitting in my living room beginning a blog that for the next year will keep you all informed on my life as a German teenager. And you though I was crazy before....little did you know :-) Although I enjoy traveling and cross cultural experiences, they are more than just a thrill or a hobby to me. In the past few years, I have developed a passion that I hope to pursue throughout my life to develop a greater understanding of the world I live in and the many different kinds of beautiful people and amazing cultures it is home to. So although traveling may seem like my drug, my get away, or even my favorite pastime, it is so much more. It is a part of who I am and always will be so I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences as I become part of a new family, enter into yet another school, and integrate into a culture so very different from my own. I am excited to see what the next year has in store for me and excited to have the support and love of so many who care about where I am and what I'm up to.

Let the journey begin!